Thursday, September 19, 2024
19.8 C

Pro bono Auszeichnung ehrt Rechtsberatungsprogramm für grüne Technologie-Startups | Imperial News | Imperial College London

Startups in Imperial’s Enterprise Lab with environmental innovations have the opportunity to receive legal support from some of the best lawyers in the capital. The Green Tech Legal Collaborative (GTLC) programme provides free legal advice to environmentally positive startups from Imperial’s Enterprise Lab and Undaunted’s Greenhouse accelerator. It was awarded the Most Effective Pro Bono Partnership in the LawWorks awards, recognizing the commitment of its members and partners in supporting climate action.

The GTLC aims to help environmentally positive startups at Imperial navigate legal and compliance challenges. Whether it’s corporate governance, fundraising, dispute resolution, or intellectual property protection, the programme offers holistic legal assistance to startups. The initiative has expanded to include additional practice areas and more law firms, with the goal of supporting startups in making a positive impact on climate action.

Through the GTLC, startups like Resting Reef and Moree have received valuable legal support to set up their businesses with a strong legal foundation. The programme has helped with drafting legal documents, employee contracts, IP assessments, regulatory considerations, and more. The GTLC has also assisted startups in patent applications, offering subsidised rates and expertise in areas that may otherwise be cost-prohibitive for young businesses.

The dedication and professionalism of the volunteers from GTLC have been instrumental in supporting startups like Moree and Vuala. The programme not only provides legal expertise but also fosters an engaging and supportive environment for founders. The collaboration between legal professionals and startups has proven to be beneficial for creating a sustainable and legally compliant business environment.

Imperial’s Enterprise Lab offers a range of support services for students, staff, and alumni looking to develop entrepreneurial skills. From idea generation to seeking investment, programmes like GTLC provide mentorship and advice to startups at all stages of their development. The recognition of the GTLC through the LawWorks awards highlights the impactful work being done to support environmentally positive startups in their journey towards creating a more sustainable future.

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